Welcome inter-blogger travellers! Well, today is the day to show all the jewelry I made of the bead soup that my partner sent to me in the great game of Lori Anderson!!! I was lucky to get Melinda (www.orrtec.blogspot.com) as my partner. She has sent so great beads: self made clasp and pendant, gemstones inculing a fav: serpentine, and many others. Well, and the jewelry.... This was the first time for me to make a bracelet using bead embroidery. I enjoyed it and love the result. (rose and green together?!) But for me the main piece is the necklace with Melinda's pendant. It's really cool. She mixed the metals: bronze and copper. So I felt free to mix them also using both colours... I guess I could talk for pages about this bead soup party.... So. Thank You Lori for the effort You put in it! Thank You Melinda for being my partner!
Akkor magyarul is.... Szóval, ma van a nagy party nap! A sok gyöngyös-blogos résztvevő mind ma teszi ki a blogjára a kapott gyöngyökből készült ékszereket. Az én párom Melinda volt, tőle kaptam és neki küldtem a gyöngyöket. Láthatjátok mik készültek... Először végre készítettem gyöngyhímzett karkötőt. Tulajdonképpen a rózsaszín és a zöld gyöngy véletlenül került egymás mellé, de jól érezték magukat, így maradtak. Aztán az a csodás medál, amit Melinda készített nekem: bronz és réz szín együtt!!! Ezt ki is használtam és jól megkevertem a fémeket én is...
Összegezve: ez egy jó kis buli! Itt oldalt a linken megnézhetitek még a többi (több mint 300) résztvevő blogját is. Lori nagyon jó munkát végzett! Köszönöm BigyóGyár Esztinek, hogy belerángatott az utolsó előtti pillanatban! És még volt időm, hogy az utolsó pillanatban Jucit is belerángassam....
68 megjegyzés:
Hú micsoda játék és micsoda csodás ékszerek születtek, gratulálok Marikám! :-)
Azzztamindenit!!!! Micsoda gyöngykavalkád!!! Csodaszép ékszerek!
... a zöld-rózsaszín karperec valami fantassssztikusan szép!!
Gratulálok! :-)))
Marcsikám! Csak egy szó az egészre: PAZAR!!!!!
Húú, nagyon tetszik az összes munkád, amiket a levesből készítettél! Gratula és visel egészséggel őket!!!!! Puszi
You're very talented! I love these :-D
Your jewelry turned out amazing! Positively love all the colors and detail. Great work! ♥
Gyönyörű munkák!Mindenkinek Gratulálok!
Great pieces! Well done!
you did so much! and one is as beautiful as the next! you make beautiful jewelry. i am especially loving the one with the feather!!! so gentle and floating.
Bellisimo trabajo, espectacular....
Húúúú, nagyon klassz!!!
Már alig várom azt a klubnapot :-)
A party indeed! What an incredible array of lovely creations. They all came out fantastic.
Wow, these are just amazing what great designs and that huge feather/leaf you have made a very striking necklace there, well done!
Great necklaces. I love them specially the one on the left in the first picture. Bellísimo.
Gorgeous necklace!!! I love the greens and rusts. WOW! Lovely lovely beadwork-have fun wearing all your beautiful new treasures:)
Már morfondíroztam magamban, hová bújt ez a Marika, hát most kiderült :) Csodákat készítettél, azt sem tudom, merre kapjam a fejem! Talán a karkötő a legkedvencebb a kedvencek közül... Fantasztikus vagy!
Wow - beautiful pieces! Can't believe that was your first time making a bracelet using embroidery - it looks like you are a pro - it's very cool!
Oh this is gorgeous!
WOW! those are wonderful pieces. Your first time for bead embroidery? Awesome!!
wow, so many pieces and all are so beautyful !!!
Először is gratulálok! Nagyon szép és kreatív ékszereket hoztál össze, nálam a karkötő viszi el a pálmát. Mielőtt írtam volna ezt a bejegyzést megnéztem néhány résztvevőt, hogy mit készített, mit mondjak a Julival Ti ketten messze a leg-legjobbak vagytok!
So many pieces to view - you are so talented and creative - Each piece was stunning it its own way
Wow! So many beautiful pieces! The bead woven bracelet is incredible. It truly shows your hard work and real talent.
I could totally see myself wearing the feather necklace!
Amazing work! Love every piece!!
WOW seriously gorgeous stuff!
Beautiful work!! I love the feather necklace...simple, but gorgeous!
Spectacular job on all of those wonderful pieces!!! If that is your first piece of bead embroidery then you are a natural star!!! beautiful!!
Wow!! Gorgeous designs,...every single one of them!!
Wow, I LOVE the necklace and earring set! So cool!
Both of those necklaces are so striking but I really love the second one.
All the pieces you've created for this bead soup party are stunning. Great job!
Micsoda felhozatal, nagyon eredeti és mind a te stílusod, gratulálok hozzá.
Gosh you have been busy, amazing designs. Love the colours
WOOOOOOOW You are a GREAT artist !!! love all of it :)
Wow, beautiful pieces. I especially love the swooping brass leaf piece. We’re all being pushed outside our comfort zones — with amazing results!
Enjoy the hop,
Absolutely Beautiful!
Wow, I just love how your pieces turned out! What beautiful work you've done. The cuff with the seed beads is amazing.
Amazing! What a gorgeous collection of jewelry. All breathtakingly beautiful!
What a delicious bead soup! Love all your creations! Wonderful job...beautiful creations!
NICELY done! I had to buy one of those toggles myself!
I hope you'll join me next time -- the blog badge and dates are up on my blog now.
Love, Lori
Wow! You have been busy! That beautiful bead embroidery, and those necklaces! I love everything!
I love all your pieces you made with your bead soup. The feather focal is so wonderful. But the piece you made with the copper/bronze focal and all the dangles is just wonderful. It is my favorite. Nice job. And your bead embroidery is just awesome.
Wow... The feather focal, the bead embroider, the final amazing necklace...what a fabulous group of creations you came up with!
Oh my, I just adore all you've made, but the necklace using the pendant and organic shapes is my favourite. Love it. ;-)
Őszinte gratulációm Neked! Fantasztikus ékszerek születtek a kezed alatt megint! Csoda! Csoda! Csoda, amiket alkotsz!!!!
A gyöngyvarrott karkötő vmi fenomenális!!! Ügyes vagy, nagyon tetszik!
Wonderful one of a kind pieces! I love every piece of them! Greetings, Michi
That cuff is amazing. And I love the necklace. :o)
Megneztem milyen dolgokat kaptal a leveshez es megmondom oszinten hogy csodakat csinaltal belole.
Egyik szebb mint a masik.Nekem a barnas tetszik a legjobban de nem is tudnek valasztani
Szuper ugyes vagy ,Gratulalok
WOW! You are incredible! Beautiful and intricate work!
Wow, you've made a lot! I love the huge leaf necklace - what a bold piece.
Wow! Just incredible - your bead embroidery is fabulous!
The two necklaces are amazingly beautiful! That cuff is amazing and the admiration goes on with those rings. Your talent is incredible!
you made so many beautiful peices! the bracelet is my favourite though, just striking.
I love bead embroidery and yours is gorgeous. Love the simplicity of the first necklace. Were you ever a busy girl.
All of your pieces really do a great job highlighting your skill with beads. I am smitten with the feather/leaf necklace. It's so warm and neutral and I can see wearing it with a variety of outfits. Great job!
These are all crazy good!!! You are one talented bead-er. Wow! Love them All! But especially the earth one with the metals. Soup-er Cool!
Gratulálok!!!! Csodás ékszerek születtek!!!
Wow! I love everything you made and am so impressed with your bead work!
Julie and Andrea
stunning creations, wow....
the necklace with the soup focal is my favourite
Beautiful work Maria! I can't decide my favorite - but I really like the embroidered piece!
Your bracelet and all the pieces are absolutely wonderful! Beautiful color mixes, and as beadweaver myself, I really like seeing how you blended everything together. Lovely!
All just amazing pieces... I really love the first one with the white and brass. I love beaded beads.
Such beautiful work! Your bead embroidery bracelet is gorgeous. And I love the rings, too..These are the first ones I've seen in Bead Soup!
Gorgeous jewellery! All of it is fab, but my fave is the first necklace with its soft colours and feminine feel. Really great job!
They are all so beautiful!
Wonderful pieces you have created. I love you designing and artful eye! Your necklaces are a feast for the eyes and fabulous inspiration for the soul!
Thanks for visiting my blog and your wonderful comments!
I don't know if you had time to watch my new video while you were at my blog? I'm not sure how much you know about glass lampworking but my video explains what glass lampwork beads are, the history, etc. Would love for you to check it out and help me share it with others if you enjoyed it. Working on getting the word out about glass lampworking.
Patsy :)
What great necklaces you made! They are terrific! Maybe the second is more my style, but the first is so nice too!
Beautiful pieces, you came up with a great collection from the ingredients you received. And such a wide variety too.
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