2012. augusztus 11., szombat

Party time!!!

 Most ők készültek a gyöngyleveskémből... 

 Itt az összes ékszer együtt:

Here are the goodies I made with my bead soup. In fact, they are so nice to wear! Most became fav!!! Sandra told me that she made it easy for me by sendig macthing pendant and clasp. But I found that heart so pretty, I did not want hide away... And there are still some beads left. Maybe some days I show them :)
Sandra, thanks for being my partner!!!!
Lori thanks for this great event!!!!!

55 megjegyzés:

Benkóné Meggyesi Beáta írta...

Nagyon sok mindent készítettél és nagyon szépek lettek.

Riella írta...

Nagyon termékeny napok vannak a hátad mögött.
Egyik szebb mint a másik.

Orsi írta...

Szebbnél szebb dolgokat készítettél!

DVArtist írta...

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful. I enjoy seeing what you create.

CraftyHope írta...

You've made some really lovely pieces. And, so MANY of them. Wonderful job!

bailaora írta...

Exciting beaed pendant with earrings!Congratulations!

Beti Horvath írta...

Wow! Lovely pieces.

Dalma-Almada írta...

Marika, szuper!!! Csodás ékszerek születtek a kezed alatt, megint!!!

Unknown írta...

The flower necklace and the heart toggle necklace is very pretty!

Andrea írta...

Wonderful work

Névtelen írta...

Beautiful. love the etched shells!

Amy's írta...

Marika nagyon sok szepseget keszitettel.A rozsas nyaklanc a kedvencem de mindegyik tetszik

Ilona írta...

Szép és különleges ékszereket készítettél! Gratulálok!

Francy írta...


EB Bead and Metal Works, LLC írta...

Wow - a lot of beady goodies you have there! No one favorite piece - they are all gorgeous! Wonderful creations!

Sandra írta...

Lovely work! Great designs!

Skye írta...

Wow ! Awesome work! You met that challenge and blew it away :) I love those seahorse earrings! :)

Pretty Things írta...

Incredible job with everything! Absolutely stunning!!!!

Bobbie írta...

So many beautiful things! I especially like the first necklace. Bravo!

flyingbeader írta...

Amazing work. Love it all

Unknown írta...

WOW, what a large group of amazing work. I love each and every piece.

Shai Williams írta...

I love what you served up from your bead soup.

A Polymer Penchant írta...

Wow! you totally went to town, what an impressive lot you made.

coffeeaddict írta...

love, love the seahorse earrings!

Ibolya írta...

Nagyon szépek...bármelyiket elfogadnám.

Névtelen írta...

Well Done they are so beautiful

Lola írta...

Beautiful work! I love the necklace with the heart toggle clasp!

EWA gyöngyös világa! / EWA's World of Beads! írta...

Gyönyörű dolgokat készítettél! Gratulálok!

Tammie T Everly írta...

Beautiful! I love the Rose pendant set most of all.

Unknown írta...

Very well done.Great pieces and so pretty.Thank you Love and hugs Tanya

Névtelen írta...

I love your soup... I agree, that heart clasp is incredible. I love how you designed the necklace around it and love the placement of the clasp! Great job with your soup! Fun hopping! Kris

Névtelen írta...

I can see why you didn't want to hide the heart clasp away - it looks really beautiful in the front of the necklace like that. No wonder these have all become favourites.

Sandi Volpe írta...

Beautiful, love the way the heart clasp is positioned.

Lilyweeds at Augusta Kent Studio írta...

just lovely. the beaded bead with the earrings - loved them. and the heart clasp necklace. beautiful work. ~diana

one-eared pig írta...


elisabeth írta...


Lupe Meter írta...

Your beadwork is stunning! Nice job! Such beautiful creations!

Alice írta...

Everything is so beautiful! I love all the wonderful colors. Great designs!

adlinah írta...

Wow, so many pretty pieces! You did a great job with your bead soup. Love the flower necklace!

Lakota mágia írta...

Csodaszépek egytől -egyig!!!

Mézesmama írta...

Húúú igazán jól használtad fel a gyöngyöket...szebbnél szebb ékszerek születtek...gratulálok!

Zsófi írta...

Mennyi jó dolgot tudtál fűzni, sok örömet kívánok a viselésükhöz! :-)

Therese's Treasures írta...

Hi Maria,
I love your pieces they are all beautiful. I do not blame you one bit for not wanting to hide that beautiful heart clasp.

Kim írta...

Very pretty, I really love what you did with your soup?

Jean A. Wells írta...

What beautiful jewelry. Love those sea shell with seahorses carved on them. Everything is so pretty. Great job!

Melissa írta...

wow, that is quite the treasure trove. You have done an amazing job.

Melissa Muir

Courtney Breul írta...

Beautiful, beautiful pieces.

Becky Pancake írta...

Excellent job. All your jewelry is great. My favorite is the dark rose.

Toltec Jewels for Jewel School Friends írta...

Beautiful jewelry! The seahorses, black beaded focal, beadwork focal, all is so lovely. What a wonderful soup and what stunning jewelry! Love visiting Hungary (my grandmother is Hungarian :) -- thank you for being in the BSBP!
Big hugs,

Névtelen írta...

Beautiful, love the focal rose and the heart clasp as a focal, I see why you didn't want to hide it away at the back!

BluMoon írta...

You have made beautiful things with your soup, I can see why you didn't want to hide that lovely clasp!

baymoondesign írta...

Beautiful work!

Krafty Max Originals írta...

Sorry I am so late, I have been having computer issues! WOW!! The grey and gold..... amazing!! They are all great creations, but I like that one the best!!

fireflymyst írta...

Lovely pieces! I am still hopping!

Giorgia Rossini írta...

I am still hopping, I love your earrings